Noten uit Het geheim van Silicon Valley & The Secret of Silicon Valley

For the English notes, see below.

Silicon Valley is veel meer dan de thuislocatie van de machtigste bedrijven ter wereld. Het is een bruisende plek waar de constante drang naar innovatie alles bepaalt, groots denken de norm is en startups uitgroeien tot miljardenimperiums. Veelvoudig ondernemer Wibe Wagemans en techjournalist Eva Schram wonen en werken al jaren in het epicentrum van de hedendaagse innovatie. Samen ontrafelen ze een mysterieuze wereld met eigen wetten en gebruiken. Met inspirerende voorbeelden en praktische tips leggen ze uit hoe de Valley alle concurrentie verslaat en hoe ook jij dat kunt doen.

Erratum eerste druk: helaas is er een kleine fout geslopen in enkele percentages die we in Hoofdstuk 3 noemen. In de taartdiagram op pagina 60 staat Nederland als 0,0% aangegeven, waar dit 0,45% moet zijn. In de taartdiagram op pagina 61 moet Nederland met 0,48% staan aangegeven. Onze conclusies op basis van de data blijven hetzelfde. Onze excuses voor de verwarring.


  1. Zwischenbericht zur strategischen personalplanung und – entwicklung im mobilitätssektor’, Nationale Plattform Zukunft der Mobilität, januari 2020
  2. Nederland voor het eerst meest concurrerende economie van Europa‘, Rijksoverheid, 2019
  3. Frans Bromet, ‘Mobiel bellen in 1998 – Waarom marktonderzoek niet altijd zin heeft…’, YouTube, bezocht op 2-10-20
  4. Patrick Vlaskovits, ‘Henry Ford, Innovation, and That “Faster Horse” Quote’, Harvard Business Review, bezocht op 2-10-20
  5. Paul Barach, ‘The Tragedy of Fritz Haber: The Monster Who Fed The World’, Medium, bezocht op 2-1-2020
  6. Karol Śledzik (2015), ‘Schumpeter’s View on Innovation and Entrepreneurship’, Management Trends in Theory and Practice
  7. Stanford CityBlock Project, bezocht op 9-10-20
  8. Andrew J. Hawkins, ‘Uber reports $2.9 billion quarterly loss during pandemic’, The Verge/2020, bezocht op 9-10-20
  9. US Chamber Foundation, Enterprising States Executive Summary, bezocht op 2-10-20
  10.  Moses Abramovitz, ‘Resource and Output Trends in the United States Since 1870’, (NBER/1956), bezocht op 2-10-20
  11.  Julianne Pepitone, ‘Microsoft kills employee-ranking system’, CNN Money/2013
  12.  Kurt Eichenwald, ‘Microsoft’s Lost Decade’, (Vanity Fair/2012), bezocht op 5-10-2020
  13.  Library of Congres, ‘The First Peoples of California
  14.  David Wagner, ‘How California’s gold rush forged the path for today’s tech innovators’, CalMatters/2018, bezocht op 8-10-2020
  16. Wired, ‘The First PC’, 12 januari 2000
  17. Apple Insider, ‘Apple co-founder offered first computer design to HP 5 times’, 2011
  18. Adams, Stephen B. Chambers, Dustin and Schultz, Michael 2018. A moving target: The geographic evolution of Silicon Valley, 1953–1990. Business History, Vol. 60, Issue. 6, p. 859
  19.  Jack Willoughby, ‘Burning Up’, Barron’s, 20-3-2000
  20.  David Kleinbard, ‘The $1.7 trillion lesson’, CNNMoney, 9-11-2000
  21.  Michael Hiltzik, ‘WeWork carries Silicon Valley’s ‘unicorn’ craze to its absurd limits’, LA Times/2019, bezocht op 9-10-2020
  22.  Alison Griswold and Jason Karaian, ‘It took Amazon 14 years to make as much in net profit as it did last quarter’, Quartz/2018, bezocht op 9-10-20
  23.  Wayne Duggan, ‘Here’s How Much Investing $1,000 In Amazon’s IPO Would Be Worth Today’, Benzinga/2020, bezocht op 9-10-20
  24. Pien Nijpjes, Patrick van Eekeren, Sjoerd Heijnders, Kirsten Sparnaaij, ‘Gestage doorontwikkeling van AI in de zorg’, MXI/2020, bezocht op 9-10-20
  25. Lily Kuo, ‘WeChat is nothing like WhatsApp—and that makes it even more valuable’, Quartz/2014, bezocht op 12-10-2020
    &Clark Boyd, ‘WeChat: The evolution and future of China’s most popular app’, The Startup/2017, bezocht op 12-10-2020
  26. James Titcomb, ‘Apple lets China’s WeChat bypass its rules, former app review chief claims’, The Telegraph/2020
  27. Sally French, ‘China has 9 of the world’s 20 biggest tech companies’, MarketWatch/2018, bezocht op 12-10-2020
  28. An Xiao Mina en Jan Chipchase, ‘Inside Shenzhen’s race to outdo Silicon Valley’, MIT Technology Review/2018, bezocht op 12-10-20
  29. Eric Turner, ‘How to find a job as a software developer in Japan’, JapanDev/2019
  30. Export landbouwgoederen stijgt naar recordwaarde’, CBS/2020, bezocht op 14-10-2020
  31. Flexport Secures $1 Billion in Funding Led by SoftBank Vision Fund: 3 Big Ways We’re Moving Forward
  32. Zie bijvoorbeeld Mason, C. and Brown, R. (2014), ‘Entrepreneurial ecosystems and growth oriented entrepreneurship’, OECD/Lees, bezocht op 6-10-2020
  33. Storey, D. J. and Greene, F. (2010) Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Harlow, Prentice Hall. p.208
  34. Justin Fox, ‘What Still Makes Silicon Valley So Special’, HBR/2014
  35. Lee Edwards Follow (2017): “The College That Produces Founders at 5 Times the Rate of Stanford
  36. Charles E. Eesley en William F. Miller, (2011) ‘Impact: Stanford University’s Economic Impact
  37. Statista, ‘Revenue of Google from 1st quarter 2008 to 2nd quarter 2020
  38. Stanford Admission Statistics, 2019
  39. Idem
  40. The Stanford University Endowment Sheet
  41. Stanford, ‘Primary roles of a resident fellow
  42. Stanford Facts, bezocht op 18-10-20
  43. VSNU, ‘Studentengroei en student/staf ratio
  44. Stanford Facts Finances (2019/2020)
  45. Stanford Facts Staff, bezocht op 18-10-20
  46. Caroline M. Hoxby (2009), ‘The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 23 No. 4, p.112
  47. Nicholas Carlson, ‘Must Be Nice: What It’s Like to Graduate From Stanford and Get Fought Over by Tech Companies‘, Slate/2015
  48. Stanford Engineering
  49. Stanford Financial Aid
  50. Erik van Rein en Ilse Zeemeijer, ‘Universiteiten rollen rode loper uit voor gulle alumnus’, (Het Financieele Dagblad/2018), bezocht op 3-10-2020
  51. Idem
  52. Ayasin, ‘5 Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Chances of Hiring a Great Senior Software Engineer’, Medium/2016
  53. Stuart Anderson, ‘Immigrants and Billion-Dollar Coampnies’, NFAP/2018
  54. Richard Florida, ‘What It Really Takes to Foster an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem’, Bloomberg/2012
  55. Freeman, M.A., Staudenmaier, P.J., Zisser, M.R. et al. The prevalence and co-occurrence of psychiatric conditions among entrepreneurs and their families. Small Bus Econ 53, 323–342 (2019)
  56. Mary Ellen Flannery, ‘The Homeless Professor Who Lives in Her Car
  57. Hiring solved identifies top skills and backgrounds that make 2017’s most wanted tech employee
  58. Angela Duckworth and James J. Gross, ‘Self-Control and Grit: Related but Separable Determinants of Success’, Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2014 Oct; 23(5): 319–325
    doi: 10.1177/0963721414541462
  59. Credé, M., Tynan, M. C., & Harms, P. D. (2017). Much ado about grit: A meta-analytic synthesis of the grit literature. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(3), 492–511
  60. Keith Krach, ‘Hanging On To Your Integrity In Silicon Valley–Jumping In Over Your Head, Part 2’, Forbes/2018
  61. Connie Loizos, ‘‘Grit’ author Angela Duckworth on working smart versus working too hard, when it’s okay to pivot, and the impact of tech on grit’, Techcrunch/2018
  62. Will Gornall and Ilya Strebulaev, ‘The Economic Impact of Venture Capital: Evidence from Public Companies’, Working Paper/2015, bezocht op 10-10-2020
  63. Ilya A. Strebulaev en Will Gornall, ‘How Much Does Venture Capital Drive the U.S. Economy?’, Stanford/2015
  64. Dealroom, Techleap & CBRE, ‘Startups: job growth engine in the Netherlands The Dutch tech ecosystem and its impact on employment’, p.3, bezocht op 10-10-20
  65. Anil Gupta en Haiyan Wang, ‘The Reason Silicon Valley Beat Out Boston for VC Dominance’, HBR/2016
  66. NVCA 2020 Yearbook
  67. Gompers, Paul A. and Gornall, Will and Kaplan, Steven Neil and Strebulaev, Ilya A., How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions? (August 1, 2016). Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 16-33, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) – Finance Working Paper Nr. 477/2016, Beschikbaar bij SSRN
  68. Heather A. Turner, ‘Lemonade donates $631K to 25 charities worldwide’, PropertyCasualty/2019
  69. Luke Stangel, ‘Tech still struggles with diversity, despite $1.2B in investments, report says’, BizJournals/2017
  70. Maxine Williams, ‘Building a More Diverse Facebook’, 2014
  71. Facebook Diversity Report 2020
  72. Google Diversity Annual Report 2020
  73. Elena Lacey, ‘Five Years of Tech Diversity Reports—and Little Progress’, Wired/2019
  74. Apple Different Together
  75. Census QuickFacts
  76. Courtney Connley, ‘A new report highlights Silicon Valley’s stunning gender equity gap’, CNBC/2018
  77. Transparent Collective, bezocht op 18-10-20
  78. Cliff Worley, ‘The Venture Capital World Has A Problem With Women Of Color’, 2019
  79. Sam Colt, ‘John Doerr: the greatest tech entrepreneurs are ‘white, male, nerds‘, BusinessInsider/2015
  80. Morgan Stanley, ‘The Growing Market Investors Are Missing’, 2018
  81. Sarah Holder, ‘Minimum Wage Still Can’t Pay for a Two-Bedroom Apartment Anywhere’, Bloomberg/2019
  82. Kevin Cokley Shannon McClain Alicia Enciso Mercedes Martinez (2013), ‘An Examination of the Impact of Minority Status Stress and Impostor Feelings on the Mental Health of Diverse Ethnic Minority College Students’, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, Vol. 41 Nr. 2
  83. WEF, Closing the Gender Gap Accelerators, 2020
  85. Lee Rainie en Kathryn Zickuhr, ‘‘Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette’, Pew Research, 2015, bezocht op 4-10-2020
  86. Chaim Gartenberg, ‘How Apple Makes Billions Of Dollars Selling Services’, The Verge/2019
  87. Adam Satariano, ‘Apple Lets Game Subscriptions Onto IPad With Big Fish Feature’, Bloomberg/2011
  88. Nick Wingfield en Ale Heath, ‘From Kingmaker to ‘Autocrat’: How Game Makers Went to War With Apple’, The Information/2020
  89. Désirée Klingler,Jonathan Bokemeyer, Benjamin Della, Rocca Rafael, Bezerra Nunes (2020), ‘Amazon’s Theory Of Harm
  90. David Bassali, Adam Kinkley, Katie Ning, Jackson Skeen (2020), ‘Google’s Anticompetitive Practices in Mobile: Creating Monopolies to Sustain a Monopoly
  91. Statista, Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 2nd quarter 2020
  92. Jackson Busch, Michael Enseki-Frank, Natalie Giotta, Joe Linfield, Przemyslaw Palka, Emily Wang (2020), ‘The Section 2 Case Against Facebook
  93. Casey Newton en Nilay Patel, ‘‘instagram Can Hurt Us’: Mark Zuckerberg Emails Outline Plan To Neutralize Competitors’, The Verge/2020
  95. Kevin Rose, ‘Foundation 20: Elon Musk’, YouTube, bezocht op 8-10-20
  96. Telefonische toelichting op kwartaalcijfers tweede kwartaal 2020, bezocht op 8-10-20
  97. Brent Schlender en Rick Tetzeli, ‘How Steve Jobs found Buddhism’, Lion’s Roar/2015
  98. Noah Shachtman, ‘In Silicon Valley, Meditation Is No Fad. It Could Make Your Career’, Wired/2013
  99.  Kate Conger, ‘Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code of Conduct’, Gizmodo/2018, bezocht op 10-10-2020
  100. Netflix Jobs, bezocht op 10-10-20
  101. Wessel Berkman, Dennis Mensink en Valentijn van der Burg, ‘Bas van der Veldt (AFAS): ‘Altijd op zoek naar beter. Geen tijd voor stilstand‘, De Ondernemer/2019, bezocht op 15-10-20
  102. Bobby Allyn, ‘Hastings Writes About Netflix’s Cultural Reinvention In ‘No Rules Rules’’, NPR/2020, bezocht op 10-10-2020
  103. Jack Welch, ‘The biggest dirty little secret in business’, 2013
  104. Kim Malone Scott, ‘Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss’, First Round Review/2016
  105. Jeff Bezos, toelichting op kwartaalcijfers 2015, bezocht op 11-10-2020
  108. Mark Sullivan,. ‘“General Magic” captures the legendary Apple offshoot that foresaw the mobile revolution‘, FastCompany/2018
  109. Peter Olsthoorn, ‘Zo werd Nederlands’ grootste internetsucces’, Netkwesties/2014, bezocht op 15-10-20
  110. Tim Jansen, ‘Kees Koolen (oud CEO’,, bezocht op 15-10-20
  111. Ian Hathaway, ‘The Myth of the Young Startup Founder’, CAE/2020
  114. De Deltawerken
  115. Business Finland
  116.  Dean Takahashi, ‘Supercell 2017 results: $810 million in profit, $2 billion in revenue — without a new game’, Venturebeat/2018


  1. Zwischenbericht zur strategischen personalplanung und -entwicklung im mobilitätssektor’, Nationale Plattform Zukunft der Mobilität, januari 2020
  2. Nederland voor het eerst meest concurrerende economie van Europa (2019) 
  3. Frans Bromet, ‘Mobiel bellen in 1998 – Waarom marktonderzoek niet altijd zin heeft…’, Youtube, bezocht op 2-10-20
  4. Patrick Vlaskovits, ‘Henry Ford, Innovation, and That “Faster Horse” Quote’, Harvard Business Review, bezocht op 2-10-20
  5. Paul Barach, ‘The Tragedy of Fritz Haber: The Monster Who Fed The World’, Medium, bezocht op 2-1-2020
  6. Karol Śledzik (2015), ‘Schumpeter’s View on Innovation and Entrepreneurship’, Management Trends in Theory and Practice
  7. Stanford CityBlock Project, bezocht op 9-10-20
  8. Andrew J. Hawkins, ‘Uber reports $2.9 billion quarterly loss during pandemic’, The Verge/2020, bezocht op 9-10-20
  9. US Chamber Foundation, Enterprising States Executive Summary, bezocht op 2-10-20
  10. Moses Abramovitz, ‘Resource and Output Trends in the United States Since 1870’, (NBER/1956), bezocht op 2-10-20
  11. Julianne Pepitone, ‘Microsoft kills employee-ranking system’, CNN Money/2013
  12. Kurt Eichenwald, ‘Microsoft’s Lost Decade’, (Vanity Fair/2012), bezocht op 5-10-2020
  13. Library of Congres, ‘The First Peoples of California
  14. David Wagner, ‘How California’s gold rush forged the path for today’s tech innovators’, CalMatters/2018, bezocht op 8-10-2020
  16. Wired, ‘The First PC’, 12 januari 2000
  17. Apple Insider, ‘Apple co-founder offered first computer design to HP 5 times’, 2011
  18. Adams, Stephen B. Chambers, Dustin and Schultz, Michael 2018. A moving target: The geographic evolution of Silicon Valley, 1953–1990. Business History, Vol. 60, Issue. 6, p. 859
  19. Jack Willoughby, ‘Burning Up’, Barron’s, 20 Mar 2000.
  20. David Kleinbard, ‘The $1.7 trillion lesson’, CNNMoney, 9 Nov 2000.
  21. Michael Hiltzik, ‘WeWork carries Silicon Valley’s ‘unicorn’ craze to its absurd limits’, LA Times/2019, bezocht op 9-10-2020
  22. Alison Griswold and Jason Karaian, ‘It took Amazon 14 years to make as much in net profit as it did last quarter’, Quartz/2018, bezocht op 9-10-20
  23. Wayne Duggan, ‘Here’s How Much Investing $1,000 In Amazon’s IPO Would Be Worth Today’, Benzinga/2020, bezocht op 9-10-20
  24. Pien Nijpjes, Patrick van Eekeren, Sjoerd Heijnders, Kirsten Sparnaaij, ‘Gestage doorontwikkeling van AI in de zorg’, MXI/2020, bezocht op 9-10-20
  25. Lily Kuo, ‘WeChat is nothing like WhatsApp—and that makes it even more valuable’, Quartz/2014, bezocht op 12-10-2020 & Clark Boyd, ‘WeChat: The evolution and future of China’s most popular app’, The Startup/2017, bezocht op 12-10-2020
  26. James Titcomb, ‘Apple lets China’s WeChat bypass its rules, former app review chief claims’, The Telegraph/2020,
  27.   Sally French, ‘China has 9 of the world’s 20 biggest tech companies’, MarketWatch/2018, bezocht op 12-10-2020,
  28.   An Xiao Mina en Jan Chipchase, ‘Inside Shenzhen’s race to outdo Silicon Valley’, MIT Technology Review/2018, bezocht op 12-10-20.
  29.   Eric Turner, ‘How to find a job as a software developer in Japan’, JapanDev/2019,
  30.   ‘Export landbouwgoederen stijgt naar recordwaarde’, CBS/2020, bezocht op 14-10-2020,
  31.   ‘Flexport Secures $1 Billion in Funding Led by SoftBank Vision Fund: 3 Big Ways We’re Moving Forward’,
  32.   E.g. Mason, C. and Brown, R. (2014), ‘Entrepreneurial ecosystems and growth oriented entrepreneurship’, OECD/Lees, bezocht op 6-10-2020,
  33.   Storey, D. J. and Greene, F. (2010) Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Harlow, Prentice Hall. p.208.
  34.   Justin Fox, ‘What Still Makes Silicon Valley So Special’, HBR/2014,
  35.   Lee Edwards Follow (2017): “The College That Produces Founders at 5 Times the Rate of Stanford”
  36.   Charles E. Eesley en William F. Miller, (2011) ‘Impact: Stanford University’s Economic Impact’,
  37.   Statista, ‘Revenue of Google from 1st quarter 2008 to 2nd quarter 2020’,
  38.   Stanford Admission Statistics, 2019,
  39. Idem  
  40. The Stanford University Endowment Sheet,
  41.   Stanford, ‘Primary roles of a resident fellow’,
  42. Stanford Facts, bezocht op 18-10-20,
  43.   VSNU, ‘Studentengroei en student/staf ratio’,
  44.   Stanford Facts Finances (2019/2020),
  45.   Stanford Facts Staff,, bezocht op 18-10-20.
  46.   Caroline M. Hoxby (2009), ‘The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 23 No. 4, p.112.
  47.   Nicholas Carlson, ‘Must Be Nice: What It’s Like to Graduate From Stanford and Get Fought Over by Tech Companies ‘, Slate/2015,
  48.   Stanford Engineering,
  49.   Stanford Financial Aid,
  50.   Erik van Rein en Ilse Zeemeijer, ‘Universiteiten rollen rode loper uit voor gulle alumnus’, (Het Financieele Dagblad/2018), bezocht op 3-10-2020,
  51.   Idem.
  52.   Ayasin, ‘5 Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Chances of Hiring a Great Senior Software Engineer’, Medium/2016,
  53.   Stuart Anderson, ‘Immigrants and Billion-Dollar Coampnies’, NFAP/2018,
  55.   Richard Florida, ‘What It Really Takes to Foster an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem’, Bloomberg/2012,
  56.   Freeman, M.A., Staudenmaier, P.J., Zisser, M.R. et al. The prevalence and co-occurrence of psychiatric conditions among entrepreneurs and their families. Small Bus Econ 53, 323–342 (2019).
  57.   Mary Ellen Flannery, ‘The Homeless Professor Who Lives in Her Car’,
  58.   Hiringsolved identifies top skills and backgrounds that make 2017’s most wanted tech employee,
  59.   Angela Duckworth and James J. Gross, ‘Self-Control and Grit: Related but Separable Determinants of Success’, Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2014 Oct; 23(5): 319–325. doi: 10.1177/0963721414541462
  60.   Credé, M., Tynan, M. C., & Harms, P. D. (2017). Much ado about grit: A meta-analytic synthesis of the grit literature. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(3), 492–511.
  61.   Keith Krach, ‘Hanging On To Your Integrity In Silicon Valley–Jumping In Over Your Head, Part 2’, Forbes/2018,
  62.   Connie Loizos, ‘‘Grit’ author Angela Duckworth on working smart versus working too hard, when it’s okay to pivot, and the impact of tech on grit’, Techcrunch/2018,
  63.   Will Gornall and Ilya Strebulaev, ‘The Economic Impact of Venture Capital: Evidence from Public Companies’, Working Paper/2015, bezocht op 10-10-2020.
  64.   Ilya A. Strebulaev en Will Gornall, ‘How Much Does Venture Capital Drive the U.S. Economy?’, Stanford/2015,
  65.   Dealroom, Techleap & CBRE, ‘Startups: job growth engine in the Netherlands The Dutch tech ecosystem and its impact on employment’, p.3, bezocht op 10-10-20,
  66.   Anil Gupta en Haiyan Wang, ‘The Reason Silicon Valley Beat Out Boston for VC Dominance’, HBR/2016, 
  67.   NVCA 2020 Yearbook,
  68.   Gompers, Paul A. and Gornall, Will and Kaplan, Steven Neil and Strebulaev, Ilya A., How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions? (August 1, 2016). Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 16-33, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) – Finance Working Paper No. 477/2016, Available at SSRN: or
  69.   Heather A. Turner, ‘Lemonade donates $631K to 25 charities worldwide’, PropertyCasualty/2019,,the%20program%20started%20in%202017.
  70.   Luke Stangel, ‘Tech still struggles with diversity, despite $1.2B in investments, report says’, BizJournals/2017,
  71.   Maxine Williams, ‘Building a More Diverse Facebook’, 2014,
  72.   Facebook Diversity Report 2020,
  73.   Google Diversity Annual Report 2020,
  74.   Elena Lacey, ‘Five Years of Tech Diversity Reports—and Little Progress’, Wired/2019,
  75.   Apple Different Together,
  76.   Census QuickFacts,
  77.   Courtney Connley, ‘A new report highlights Silicon Valley’s stunning gender equity gap’, CNBC/2018, ‘’
  78.   Transparent Collective, bezocht op 18-10-20,
  79.   Cliff Worley, ‘The Venture Capital World Has A Problem With Women Of Color’, 2019,
  80.   Sam Colt, ‘John Doerr: the greatest tech entrepreneurs are ‘white, male, nerds’, BusinessInsider/2015, ’
  81.   Morgan Stanley, ‘The Growing Market Investors Are Missing’, 2018,
  82.   Sarah Holder, ‘Minimum Wage Still Can’t Pay for a Two-Bedroom Apartment Anywhere’, Bloomberg/2019,
  83.   Kevin Cokley Shannon McClain Alicia Enciso Mercedes Martinez (2013), ‘An Examination of the Impact of Minority Status Stress and Impostor Feelings on the Mental Health of Diverse Ethnic Minority College Students’, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, Vol. 41 No. 2,
  84.   WEF, Closing the Gender Gap Accelerators, 2020,
  86.   Lee Rainie en Kathryn Zickuhr, ‘Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette’, Pew Research, 2015, bezocht op 4-10-2020,
  87.   Chaim Gartenberg, ‘How Apple Makes Billions Of Dollars Selling Services’, The Verge/2019,
  88.   Adam Satariano, ‘Apple Lets Game Subscriptions Onto IPad With Big Fish Feature’, Bloomberg/2011,
  89.   Nick Wingfield en Ale Heath, ‘From Kingmaker to ‘Autocrat’: How Game Makers Went to War With Apple’, The Information/2020,
  90.   Désirée Klingler,Jonathan Bokemeyer, Benjamin Della, Rocca Rafael, Bezerra Nunes (2020), ‘Amazon’s Theory Of Harm’,
  91.   David Bassali, Adam Kinkley, Katie Ning, Jackson Skeen (2020), ‘Google’s Anticompetitive Practices in Mobile: Creating Monopolies to Sustain a Monopoly’,
  92.   Statista, Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 2nd quarter 2020,
  93.   Jackson Busch, Michael Enseki-Frank, Natalie Giotta, Joe Linfield, Przemyslaw Palka, Emily Wang (2020), ‘The Section 2 Case Against Facebook’, 
  94.   Casey Newton en Nilay Patel, ‘‘instagram Can Hurt Us’: Mark Zuckerberg Emails Outline Plan To Neutralize Competitors’, The Verge/2020,
  96.   Kevin Rose, ‘Foundation 20: Elon Musk’, Youtube, bezocht op 8-10-20.
  97.   Telefonische toelichting op kwartaalcijfers tweede kwartaal 2020, bezocht op 8-10-20,
  98.   Brent Schlender en Rick Tetzeli, ‘How Steve Jobs found Buddhism’, Lion’s Roar/2015,
  99.   Noah Shachtman, ‘In Silicon Valley, Meditation Is No Fad. It Could Make Your Career’, Wired/2013,
  100.   Kate Conger, ‘Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code of Conduct’, Gizmodo/2018, bezocht op 10-10-2020,
  101.   Netflix Jobs, bezocht op 10-10-20,
  102.   Wessel Berkman, Dennis Mensink en Valentijn van der Burg, ‘Bas van der Veldt (AFAS): ‘Altijd op zoek naar beter. Geen tijd voor stilstand’, De Ondernemer/2019, bezocht op 15-10-20,
  103.   Bobby Allyn, ‘Hastings Writes About Netflix’s Cultural Reinvention In ‘No Rules Rules’’, NPR/2020, bezocht op 10-10-2020,
  104.   Jack Welch, ‘The biggest dirty little secret in business’, 2013,
  105.   Kim Malone Scott, ‘Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss’, First Round Review/2016,
  106.   Jeff Bezos, toelichting op kwartaalcijfers 2015, bezocht op 11-10-2020,
  109.   Mark Sullivan,. “”General Magic” captures the legendary Apple offshoot that foresaw the mobile revolution”, FastCompany/2018,
  110.   Peter Olsthoorn, ‘Zo werd Nederlands’ grootste internetsucces’, Netkwesties/2014, bezocht op 15-10-20,
  111.   Tim Jansen, ‘Kees Koolen (oud CEO’,, bezocht op 15-10-20,
  112.   Ian Hathaway, ‘The Myth of the Young Startup Founder’, CAE/2020,
  114.   De Deltawerken,
  115.   Business Finland,
  116.   Dean Takahashi, ‘Supercell 2017 results: $810 million in profit, $2 billion in revenue — without a new game’, Venturebeat/2018,